
A Short Introduction

Hello and welcome to my page! 

My name is Madelin, I'm currently a college student in California majoring in English.  I admit I'm new to the blogging world and still trying to figure out how things work on here so just bare with me.  I decided to start this blog because I'm hoping that it can help in improving my writing skills and at the same time share things that I love.  I usually write to myself or family and this is the first time that I will allow others to read what I think, which is honestly a little nerve wracking but I would like to feel more comfortable in sharing my thoughts and ideas.  Overall, I want to have fun with it and hope to find others with similar interests as me.  I'm excited to explore this new world and begin reading other people's blogs as well.  So please, if YOU, reading this have a blog of your own, leave it in a comment and I'll be more than happy to check it out.  (It can be about any topic)  Anyways, I hope you stick around and well, we'll see where this goes.


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